EURECA-PRO Conference 2025

EURECA-PRO Conference | 2022

A place to share the experience, scientific results and the most recent advances to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 12

19, 20, 21 Oct   León, España

This edition of the EURECA-PRO Conference on Responsible Consumption and Production 2022 has passed. We invite you next year for a new edition.

Find below more details about the 2022 Edition:

Activities for early career researchers
Panel Discussion Sessions


The EURECA-PRO Conference on Responsible Consumption and Production 2022 provides an interdisciplinary forum for practitioners, academic and scientific experts on responsible consumption and production. A place to share their experience, scientific results and the most recent advances to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 12.

It also aims to constitute a benchmark for leading researchers in this field to discuss current and future challenges, and innovative solutions considering the technological, humanistic, economic, social and environmental dimension of responsible consumption and production.

Event Starts In:


The first 20 accepted abstracts will have 20% off the registration fee.




What does research on Responsible Consumption and Production mean?
The EURECA-PRO Young Researchers Forum is your opportunity to make a difference in your research and educational career.  The Forum aims to combine disciplines looking towards the challenges within the UN Sustainable Development Goal number 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production (UN SDG-12). The aim is to set a benchmark in the researcher’s career within an innovative learning and productive environment.
Selected applicants can participate in the CONFERENCE free of charge except for the Formal dinner

Day 1 – 17th October 2022
EURECA-PRO Young Researchers Forum.

Day 2 – 18th October 2022
Learn the communication tools and know how to use them in our favor, we will develop our capacity to connect with others and increase our ability to face difficult situations in a more friendly, empathetic and successful way.

Day 3 – 19th October 2022
EURECA-PRO Young Researchers Forum.

Day 4 – 20th October 2022

Day 5 – 21th October 2022


Prof. Dr. Alexandros Stefanakis

Technical University of Crete
Friday 21, October, 13:00
“Implementing constructed wetlands for sustainable water management in a circular economy: examples and case studies”

Artur Grisanti Mausbach

Royal College of Art Research Centre
Thursday 20, October, 9:45
“Anti-Ephemeral Design for Responsible Production and Consumption of Mobility”


Panel discussion 1: Environment and energy
Mónica Álvarez Manso

Global Virtualizza Ingenieros SL

About me
Jimeno A. Fonseca


About me
Carsten Drebenstedt

Technical University Freiberg

About me
José Manuel Álvarez Martínez

Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IH Cantabria)

About me
Panel discussion 2: Circular economy
Noemí Barrientos Herrero

León Startup

About me
Beatriz Jiménez Parra

University of León (ULE)

About me
Sabin Ioan Irimie

University of Petrosani (UP)

About me
Artur Grisanti Mausbach

Royal College of Art Research Centre

About me
Panel discussion 3: Smart and healthy societies
Manuel Franco

University of Alcalá (UAH)

About me
Jairo Luzón


About me
Barbara Wedler

University of Applied Sciences Of Mittweida (HSMW)

About me


All the workshops will be celebrated on October 19th at the University of León, Campus de Vegazana. The organizing committee will notify the participants of the specific venue after registration. Individual workshop registration will have a cost of 50 euros. See section “Registration and fees” for discounts and additional information.


Authors can submit scientific communications for one or more sessions on the following topics.


Smart and healthy societies
  • Public health challenges towards sustainable patterns
  • Media impact as a tool for sustainable change
  • Citizen awareness and education in smart consumption trends
  • Consumer behavior
  • Business and sustainability: ESG (Environmental, Social and Government) and environmental-friendly strategies
  • Social, equity and cohesion; DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion); the role of human rights
  • Safety, hygiene and food quality
  • Digital marketing and branding strategies potential to promote environmental-friendly habits, products and mindset
  • Healthy lifestyle, nutrition and sustainable habits
  • Integrating sustainability in global and local policy-making
  • Natural resources management, global governance and policies
  • The role of proximity in smart and healthy societies
  • New trends in consumption habits
  • Sustainable product policies, ecolabelling, product eco-design and environmental friendly products
  • Anthropology of sustainability
  • Financial management to embrace eco-friendly economic growth
  • Economic, social and environmental impact of tourism
  • International cooperation and institutional reinforcement for building enduring global policies, compromises and actions
  • Knowledge transfer for policy makers and stakeholders
  • Ecological footprint
  • Media as an agent for change in responsible consumption and production
  • Lifestyle disruptive changes
  • Education towards a sustainable society
  • Smart health
  • Healthy cities and quality of life
  • Smart cities: socio-technical and socio-ecological systems.
  • Data security, privacy, technological, ethical and legal aspects.
Recycling, reuse, and longer lasting products
  • Education as a tool regarding recycling, reuse and longer lasting products
  • Historical perspectives on recycling and reuse of products
  • Food waste: concerns and solutions
  • Circular economy: importance and benefits on responsible use and product consumption
  • Responsible citizens and sustainable consumers: policies, historical analysis and future challenges
  • Socio-ecological transformation: sustainability from the point of view of growth and degrowth
  • Societal, technological and political challenges for resources use optimization
  • LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of goods and services
  • Sustainable built environment: use of natural-ecological, waste-based or recycled materials
  • Durability and recyclability of products
  • Responsible materials flow
  • Food production and preservation using conventional methods and emerging technologies
Clean air, freshwater, healthy soil and biodiversity
  • Territorial consumption: resilience, analysis and upcoming challenges
  • Biodiversity and sustainable development cutting-edge techniques: mapping, modeling and artificial intelligence
  • Livestock production and optimization of global resources
  • Biodiversity and animal welfare for sustainable development
  • Sustainable patterns in the agri-food sector (e.g. food system governance, eco-labelling, innovative technologies, methodology climate change adaptation)
  • Sustainable production
  • Chemical and environmental engineering
  • Soils and technologies of the natural environment
  • Engineering and sustainable agriculture
  • Consumption and management of natural resources: historical evolution, current situation and future perspectives
  • Sustainability of animal, agriculture, livestock production systems
  • Rural and environmental engineering
  • Water consumption and preservation of freshwater aquatic ecosystems
  • Responsible use and conservation of oceans, seas and marine resources.
  • Policy development on environmental challenges related to clean air, freshwater, healthy soil and biodiversity
  • Upcoming technologies in environmental studies
  • Mining and recycling
  • Environmental conservation: education, public awareness, IT, economy and development
  • Human well-being and environmental sustainability: processes and impacts
  • Global change and environmental disturbances
  • Soil and water: exploitation, conservation and impacts
Cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean technological innovation
  • Policy making for energy efficiency, carbon-footprint reduction
  • Clean energy: sustainable methods, innovations and new technologies, perspectives, certifications, risks, opportunities.
  • Energy saving technologies for responsible consumption
  • Energy access: challenges and perspectives
  • Energy and Process Engineering
  • Clean energy and country development
  • Education in clean energy, renewables and behavioral consumption
  • CCUS – Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
  • Green hydrogen in the global energy system
  • Renewable energy transition
  • Decarbonizing the global economy
Industry 4.0
  • Influence of robotics, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence.
  • Regulations, ethical and legal aspects in the Industry 4.0
  • Processing and distribution processes: challenges and opportunities
  • Societal and educational matters for living in a 4.0 society
  • Industry transformation, behavioral consumption and production awareness (e.g. net zero waste, efficient use of resources, fast fashion, greenwashing, relocation strategies)
  • Adaptation to environmental challenges
  • Sensors for the smart manufacturing environment, healthcare and other applications
  • Industrial applications of the Internet of Things
  • Engineering Processes
  • Eco-efficiency, mechanical and materials engineering

Short paper Submission guidelines

1. Short paper submission (Submission Deadline: September 19, 2022)

The short paper submission deadline has been postponed, but a submission later than Monday 19th of September will not be possible under any circumstances.
Short paper proposals should be submitted in PDF or Word format, using the abstract template. For submission, please use the submission button. Please take into consideration that the short papers must have a minimum of 1500 words and 10 references.

2. Peer review process (Deadline: September 26, 2022)
Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and authors will be informed whether their manuscript can be accepted, accepted with changes or definitely rejected.

3. Final submission (Deadline: October 4, 2022)
Authors should submit the final version of the article after making the changes requested by the reviewers.

4. Notification of acceptance to publish the short paper in the Conference Proceedings (Deadline: October 7, 2022)
After successful submission, authors will receive a confirmation to the email address provided after September 16. In absence of confirmation, please contact the organizing committee:
If your communication has been accepted, the short paper will be published in Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences (ISSN, indexed in SCOPUS). High quality communications will have opportunities for consideration for one special journal issue after a blind peer-review process.
Remember that the Conference registration is a separate process from the submission process. For any doubt, please contact the organizing committee:

5. Presentation
Your presentation will be scheduled on one of the days already assigned to the different thematic tables.
Its final date and time will be made public once the abstract acceptance process is closed.
The conference will be held from October 19 to October 21, 2022.

6. Registration and Payment (Deadline: October 12, 2022)
Remember that in order to formalize the registration process you have to pay and send the payment receipt before the deadline (October 12th). Please visit the section Payment and invoicing and submit your payment receipt.

7. Attendance Cancellation (Deadline: October 14, 2022)
Please consult the Cancellation policy.

Conference proceedings

In this book readers will find the discussion results among professionals, academics and scientists on responsible consumption and production, regarding the latest advances to achieve a sustainable society. This book contents 5 chapters focused on: Smart and healthy societies, Recycling, reused and longer lasting products, fresh air, clean water, healthy soil and biodiversity, cleaner energy and cutting-edge clean technological innovation, and industry 4.0.

This book also intends to show the current and future challenges, and innovative solutions considering the technological, humanistic, educational, economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability

Registration and fees

The registration of participation in the conference will be open until October 12th.
Conference registration
Conference + 1 Workshop
Single Workshops
Early career researchers*
*Clarification: early career researchers (PHD students and junior postdoctoral researchers) The registration includes:
  • Access to the Conference: Plenary sessions, panel discussions, poster sessions and oral presentations.
  • Conference dinner (October 20th).
  • Book of abstracts in electronic PDF version (with ISBN).
*Publications of communications within special journal issue will have an additional cost. If you are interested on the special issue, please contact
*We offer you paper poster printing services to scientists with a cost of 18 euros. You can select the option in the registration form.
*Registration for the workshops is open until seating capacity is reached, following order of application.
*When filling the registration form, please indicate the need for family conciliation services in order to accommodate your presentation schedule to the family conciliation program.

Payments and invoicing

Payments should be made by traditional bank transfer, until October 20th. All costs of money transfer should be covered by the participants. Payments made by bank deposit or bank transfer must be credited by sending proof of payment with the name of the participant.

Payment should be made to the following registration system operator bank account:


Bank account: ES55 0049 6739 1329 1622 9380

If you need a proforma invoice, in case the payer of the registration is an institution (university, center or company), and the invoice is to be issued in its name, please make sure that you enter the full tax details of the holder in the registration form. For proforma invoice, please contact

Family Conciliation policy

Family conciliation services should be requested during the registration phase by selecting this service in the registration form before October 14th. After this date, the service could be requested by sending an email to For more information about family conciliation service, please visit the “Family conciliation” section. Requests for registration cancellation must be addressed in writing and sent by email to the Conference secretary ( The registrant must send the notification of cancellation of the family conciliation service before October 14th to be eligible for a full refund. After this date it would not be possible to obtain a refund of the service.

Cancellation policy

Request for registration cancellation must be addressed in writing and sent by email to the Conference secretary ( The registrant must send the notification of cancellation of registration before October 14th to be eligible for a full refund. All refunds will be made by the same means by which the payments were made. No refunds will be made if notification of cancellation is made after October 14th, except in cases of force majeure or specific extenuating circumstances (medical problems, family emergency, confinement or mandatory mobility restrictions), which must be duly justified and proven. No refunds will be granted to registrants who do not meet the above conditions.

Although no refunds will be given after October 14th, the place may be filled by another person who meets the requirements of their registration category free of charge.

Participants who do not attend the sessions, lectures, ceremonies, lunches or morning or afternoon coffees included in the registration fee will not receive a refund equivalent to the cost of the sessions, lectures, ceremonies, lunches or coffees.


Travel to León

From Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport (Recommended):

1. By train: The train station is located in level -1 of terminal 4. You should take there a train called “Cercanías”, line C1 or C10 to “CHAMARTÍN”. It takes 15min to get there. You can check it here:
Then, you should take a train to León from there. You can buy the tickets from:
There is a variety of trains and prices, from the fast trains (AVE) that take 2h and 15 min, to slower trains that take 5h and 23 min, there are even hotel-trains. The cost ranges are also wide, from 42,90€ to 19,90€.

2. By bus: There are some direct buses from the airport. It takes approximately 4:30-5h to get to León and it costs between 25 and 35€. The bus arrivals and departures are from T4, level 0, docks 1 to 4. The company serving León is named “ALSA” and it is recommended to buy the ticket online from the web:

3. By plane: There are not direct flights to León. You will have to make a stopover at Barcelona. Other options of nearby airports could be Valladolid (which has a small airport with a bus service directly to León -11€) or Oviedo. The most common option is to fly to Madrid that has the most transport options to León.

Another option would be take Metro line 8 from the airport to “NUEVOS MINISTERIOS”. Once there, you should take line 6 and get out at “MENDEZ ALVARO”. There are some mechanic stairs where you have to go up and arrive at “Estación Sur” (bus station). It is run by the same company and the tickets are sold as well from The bus takes 3 hours 45 min to get to León so we highly recommend take the bus from the airport.
You can check the metro map here:

From Barcelona – El Prat Airport:

1. By bus: There are not direct buses from the airport to León. Instead, you should go to “ESTACIÓN NORD” and once there, you should take a bus (tickets sold at: which takes around 10:30 and 11h to get to León.

2. By train: You should go to the train station “BARCELONA-SANTS” and there take a train to León. It takes between 6 and 9h to get to León.
3. By plane: León also has an airport, but it is small and it doesn´t have daily flights from Barcelona but maybe you can find one.

For more information, visit:

Useful websites:
León Bus Station. Information: +34 987 211000 Web:
Ponferrada Bus Station: Tel: +34 987 401 065.
Railway. RENFE. Information Tel.: +34 902 240202 ; Web:
Ponferrada RENFE Train Station: Tel: +34 987 410 067.
León Airport. Tel Information: +34 987 87 77 00 ; Web:
Madrid Metro:

Suggestions of accommodation:

  • Hotel Spa Paris*
  • Hostal Boccalino*
  • Hotel Spa QH
  • Hotel Alfonso V*
  • Hotel Conde Luna*
  • Aparthotel Exe
  • Campus San Mamés
  • Hotel AC San Antonio*
  • Hotel FC Infantas de León
  • Palacio Real Hostel

*Take into consideration that the ones with an asterisk (*) have an agreement with the University of León, therefore it would have a discount.

At the University: There will be maps about where the conference will take place at the university.


European University on Responsible Consumption and Production.

Cultural activities

Leon City Tour

Starting time: Friday 21st of October at 17:30
Cost: Free of charge for conference attendants
Meeting point: LEÓN letter sign in front of the cathedral

A guided tour around the historical city of León. The visit will include the inside of the XIV century Gothic Cathedral, known for its majestic architecture and stained-glass windows, the San Isidoro palace, Antonio Gaudi’s palace, the roman wall and other remarkable building in the city. Finally, participants will be given guidance on the different bars and most famous free “tapas” of the city, so everyone can later enjoy Leon’s nightlife.

Day trip to Astorga city

Starting time: Saturday 22nd of October
Duration of the activity: 10:00 – 17:00
Cost: 68 euros per person

This extra activity* will take place on Saturday 22nd and it’s optional for any participant who wishes stay over the weekend. The price of the activity includes transportation to Astorga, a visit to the city and Gaudi’s palace and a traditional chickpea stew with different types of meat called “Cocido”. We will leave Leon in the morning, and we will be back in the city at 17h. Any dietary preferences or allergies can be specified on the registration form.
*Those who wish to take part, will pay an extra to cover the cost of the complete activity. If you still haven’t registered for the conference, you will have the opportunity to add this activity in your registration form. If you have registered, you will receive a form on the email account you used in the registration process.


+34 987 291 795

Monday - Friday from 7am - 5pm

León, Spain

Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización, Edificio de Servicios, Universidad de León, Campus de Vegazana, 24071 León, Spain

Contact me every time!

Get In Touch

Data protection

GDPR - Your data| Through this form we collect: your name and email address, so we can communicate with you. We promise NOT to use them for any other purpose and we will never disclose them without your consent, as they are kept during the Conference and still only on legal grounds. All the information necessary for your rights and the agreement to use your personal data can be found on the "Legal notice" page .

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You can also contact us through social media.

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9:00-13:00 CET
Workshop 1 - My communication style (self-awareness)
13:00-14:30 CET
Lunch break
14:30-18:30 CET
Workshop 2 - Creating connecting bridges with the different styles
9:00-13:00 CET
13:00 – 14:30 CET
14:30 – 18:30 CET
Workshop 1 - My communication style (self-awareness)
Lunch break
Workshop 2 - Creating connecting bridges with the different styles


Workshop 1: My communication style (self-awareness)
My communication style (self awareness) from the self-diagnosis understand the preferred communication style in its entirety. As well as the diversity of styles
Workshop 2: Creating connection bridges with the different styles.
Creating connection bridges with the different styles (group awareness) How we adapt our communication style to the target audience in order to influence & lead.

Alexandros Stefanakis

Technical University of Crete

Dr. Alexandros Stefanakis is Assistant Professor at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete in Greece. He is an expert on nature-based solutions for water and wastewater management, having implemented several such systems around the world. He is also working on circular economy trying to promote and determine its contents and scope. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Springer journal ‘Circular Economy and Sustainability‘. He participates in many international research projects, and has published numerous research papers and books.

Artur Grisanti Mausbach

Royal College of Art Research Centre

Dr Artur Grisanti Mausbach is a Senior Research Fellow and leads the Automotive Transitions Studio at the Royal College of Art Intelligent Mobility Design Centre (RCA IMDC) since 2018. Mausbach is an architect and urban planner graduate from the FAU USP, Brazil, where he also completed a MPhil in Design for Environmental Urban Structures. His PhD at the RCA, looked at the relationship between aesthetics and technology of sustainable automobiles.

At IMDC Mausbach led the research projects Joyful Journeys (2018-2020), Psychology and Desirability in Automotive Design (2019), Prisms – Perspectives on Design for China (2019), Choreograph of Mobility (2020-2022), CENTS Ecofitting – whole-life designs upgrading cars to zero emissions (2020-2021), European Automotive Design Trends (2021-2022), Anti-Ephemeral Design (2022-). He has developed research, consulting and presentations for Porsche Consulting, Hyundai, Mahindra, Ford and SAIC. Mausbach has been a contributor to Car Design New (UK), Movil Magazine (Argentina) and the TV show Auto Esporte (Brazil). Mausbach has developed research across universities, in 2022 he stared working in a collaboration between the RCA and Kookmin University (South Korea) founded by UKRI, and developing research with the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil). Mausbach´s work is widely published and disseminated, and he plays an active role in automotive design and sustainable mobility conferences both nationally and internationally. In 2022, Mausbach organised and chaired the Mobility Metamorphosis Symposium at the RCA. The symposium promoted a discussion about the changes in mobility to autonomy, shared and sustainable between academics (RCA, USP, University of Utah, TU Delft, Loughborough University, Aalto University), Industry (BMW Designworks, Volvo, Tandem) and think thanks (Autonomy).

Mausbach research in trends and automotive design taxonomies consolidates the studies of the evolution of car design aesthetics for both interior and exterior. The design research methods also encompasses the visualisation of possible futures through design experimentation and consolidates tools for design fr sustainability considering environmental, socio-ethical, economic, and subjective values. His current research focuses on development of design for new consumption and production paradigms, changing the nature of design practice and its aesthetics.

Mónica Álvarez Manso

Global Virtualizza Ingenieros SL
Mónica Álvarez Manso is a Mining Technical Engineer by the E.U. de Ingeniería Técnica Minera De León, Master in PRL by the UNED and PhD student by the University of León. Specialist in Energies and Fuels. She began her professional career as a Technical Engineer developing energy aspects through the exploitation of energy resources for several companies. Subsequently, she carried out the technical coordination of energy efficiency projects in various international and national projects such as the Boroala Combined Cycle Power Plant or the installation of two 220 KV lines in the Lagunas substation (Iquique, Chile). She currently works as Director of Energy Projects in Engineering Consulting, closely linked to renewable energies and their application in the production of Hydrogen.

Jimeno A. Fonseca

Jimeno is a building engineer with a passion for the development of digital products for Buildings and Energy Infrastructure. His work covers the areas of Machine Learning and IoT systems applications, decision support systems for planning purposes, and BIM/GIS software analysis platforms. Through a career overarching construction, R&D, and consultancy, Jimeno has contributed to the development of award-winning building projects and successful software applications. Examples include the building Fabrica the Cultura, holder of the Chicago Athenaeum Award, and the City Energy Analyst Software, a pioneer software used for the development of low-carbon neighborhoods in over 20 countries. He holds a doctorate in Building Systems from ETH Zurich, a Masters’s in Architectural Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, and a Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Jimeno is also a PMI-Agile certified practitioner and contributor to the IPCC report on climate change in the area of demand forecasting. In the past, he was part of the ETH Zürich and EBP Schweiz where he had the chance to build new technology and approaches to plan more sustainable buildings and district-wide energy infrastructure. Currently, Jimeno is part of the management team of engineering at Axpo Grid Schweiz where he takes a leadership role in the integration of BIM and Digital Twin Technologies in the fascinating power sector. On this website, you will find more information about projects and publications. A warm welcome!

Carsten Drebenstedt

Technical University Freiberg

Carsten Drebenstedt is since 1999 Professor for Surface Mining and an actual member of the Senat and director of the institute for mining and special civil engineering at Technical University Freiberg. Fields of teaching and research activities are mine planning, mining technologies and ecology in mining, reclamation, and mine water management.

Among other remarkable achievements, he is member of the Society of Mining Professors (SOMP), where he represented Europe from 2006 up to 2015 in the council, member of the national and international organizing committees of the Word Mining Congress, member of the International Mine Water Association, and Secretary General of the World Forum of Resource Universities on Sustainability (WFURS).

José Manuel Álvarez Martínez

Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IH Cantabria)

José Manuel Álvarez, researcher at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of Cantabria (IH Cantabria), has done several stages at outstanding national and international Research Centers as the University of Wageningen (The Netherlands), the Autonomous University of Barcelona, (CREAF, Spain) and Doñana Biological Station (CSIC, Spain).

Teaching experience, coordination of research works and speaker at numerous courses, masters, conferences and technical sessions related to new technologies applied to environmental studies. Participation in research projects at the EU and national levels. Author of book chapters, technical documents and more than 30 scientific papers published and indexed in the SCI.

Noemí Barrientos Herrero

León Startup

Being an entrepreneur and triathlete with roots in Asturias and León, Noemi Barrientos is the founder of the company León Startup and the Manda Venancia Association, dedicated to promoting a model of innovative entrepreneurship to transform the territory. Since 2019, she has been working with other local entrepreneurs in the design and development of disruptive and important projects that offer solutions and alternatives to the established industry, using innovation and technology as levers for the transformation of the territory. Mainly in the primary, energy, industrial and infrastructure sectors.

Noemi Barrientos has spent two decades in the entrepreneurial world, where she has led innovation projects in the internet industry, the startup industry and the financial services industry, one of which is internationally recognised: OpenMind, a knowledge dissemination platform that she created and promoted during her time as Innovation Social Media Manager at the BBVA Innovation Centre.

Beatriz Jiménez-Parra

University of León (ULE)
Beatriz Jiménez-Parra is Associate Professor of Business Strategy and member of the GIDE Research Group at University of León. Her main line of research focuses on the Circular Economy, and specially, on business sustainability strategies (reverse logistics, end-of-life products and remanufacturing).

Sabin Ioan Irimie

University of Petrosani (UP)

Graduated from the University of Petrosani with management and energetic specializations, Sabin Ioan Irimie is a PhD from University of Timisoara in the field of engineering and management with the PhD thesis on the field of operationalizing sustainable development. He has obtained his entrepreneurial experience by launching three consulting startups.

Sabin is member of the General Association of Engineers in Romania and also of the Romanian National Committee of the World EnergyCouncil. Additionally, he teaches sustainable development courses.

Manuel Franco

University of Alcalá (UAH)

Manuel Franco is Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Alcalá and Johns Hopkins. His research focuses on prevention and health promotion from an urban and social inequalities approach, studying areas such as nutrition, physical activity, smoking habits and alcohol consumption. Manuel Franco has a special interest in knowledge transfer and regularly participates in different media.

Jairo Luzón

Jairo Luzón is a Technical Engineer in Computer Systems, in the University of Valladolid, and he is currently finishing his studies of University Master in Internet Of Things (IOT), by the UNIR. He is passionate about technology and software development, with more than 17 years of experience in the sector. His current position is Service Delivery Manager at CDS, A Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company, and he leads several R&D teams within the CTG (Communication Technology Group) area at WorldWide level.

Barbara Wedler

AXPO GRIDUniversity of Applied Sciences Of Mittweida (HSMW)
Barbara is a professor for health promotion and clinical social work (faculty of Social work), leader of health management (for the whole University) and Head of the course “Clinical Social work” at the SIMKI institute (Institute for child psychotherapy in Saxony). She has practical experience as leader of a special programme for health insurance, psychotherapist for drug users, and researcher in specific health promotion questions. Her research focus is social consequences of illness/ disability; specific areas of health promotion (very young people, very old people, staff of the university); and specific areas of international social work.